Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Melihat berita2 di dada-dada akhbar yang makin menyesakkan sekarang ni, saya terasakan mahu lari dari keadaan huru hara ni. Saat-saat begini, saya selalu teringat hasil nukilan seorang sahabat. Nukilan indah yang terkeluar selepas dirinya menikmati keindahan alam ciptaan Allah di sebuah tempat yang sangat aman dan sejahtera. Sehingga sekarang, saya juga menantikan waktu untuk saya menjejakkan kaki sendiri ke tempat ini. Ahh..sangat indah jika semuanya mampu saya kecapi nanti. Insyaallah, perjuangan mesti diteruskan. semoga pengakhirannya nanti bukan hanya sebuah mimpi, tapi realiti.aminn..

A Place Called Paradise

I wish to live in a place that is peaceful

I wish to live in a place where there is no traffic jam

I wish to live in a place where everybody’s rides a bicycle

I wish to live in a place where the air is fresh

I wish to live in a place where the trees are everywhere

I wish to live in a place where the food is good and delicious

I wish to live in a place where the kids are smart

I wish to live in a place where the servants are nice and friendly

I wish to live in a place where the cows are fat

I wish to live in a place where not even an inch of land is useless

I wish to live in a place where even our waste is useful

I wish to live in a place where the mosque is big

I wish to live in a place where the hotel door-boy is polite and smart

I wish to live in a place where everybody who live there is happy

I wish to live in a place where there is no crime

I wish to live in a place where education is valuable and mostly important

I wish to live in a place where the university is in the best quality

I wish to live in a place where the paddy fields are green and wide

I wish to live in a place where the stp is not stink at all

I wish to live in a place where there is no problem at all

I wish to live in a place where the mangoes are big

I wish to live in a place where the fruits are sweet

I wish to live in a place where the weather is fine

I wish to live in a place where we can walk on the pedestrian walk

I wish to live in a place where the students are all in a same size based on their grades

I wish to live in a place where the leader is brilliant

I wish to live in a place where people live in rules

I wish to live in a place where my children will become a world/country leader someday

I wish to live in a place where my children will manage to get a Ph.D and become a football player in 25 yrs old

I wish to live in a place where people know the holy Al-Quran very well

I wish to live in a place where the land has no fence at all

I wish to live in a place where there is no feeling of insecure

I wish to live in a place where everybody is healthy

I wish to live in a place where everybody working sincerely

I wish to live in a place where nothing is impossible

If I’m not able to make all my wishes come true, I’ll make sure I’ll do that for my childrens…

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